Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How to Clean Up Your Office Environment and Do a Great Job

he environment you work in is important for your well-being. If you spend a great deal of time in one office, it is likely that your surroundings have become a blur to you. Most people who spend hours sitting at a desk for their job cease to see their office space clearly anymore, as they are desensitized to what is around them visually. However, their environment can make a big difference to how they feel and how comfortable they are at work.
When people get used to working in a drab office environment they fail to recognize the need to improve their surroundings. They may suffer from work related stress, but not realize that the condition of their office has a part to play in their emotional and physical health. Just making a few simple changes could aid them in feeling happier and more satisfied at work, as well as physically more comfortable and healthy.
One of the main complaints employees often have when they start an office job is that lighting is unsatisfactory. Perhaps it glares and hurts their eyes, or is too dim, making them squint and strain their vision or not enough natural light is present. If nothing changes, they get used to it.
Look around your office and see if you can improve lighting. Remove furniture and files that block windows and clean the glass to let in more light. You can also change poor lighting so that it is more comfortable on your eyes and helps you feel less stressed. If you have been suffering from headaches, paying attention to lighting in your office could make them disappear.
Inadequate airflow can make you feel tired and lethargic. People often complain that they lack energy at work and this is sometimes related to working in a stuffy, stale environment with little airflow.
There are many ways to get air flowing through your office. Opening windows is the simplest way, followed by installing fans. If you are tired at work, or suffer from allergies, using an air purifier in your office may help too.
The best wallpaper or paint colors for an office are those that are fresh and mentally stimulating. Dark or dismal colors such as muddy brown or grey are likely to make you feel miserable while at work. Colors such as yellow and white will help you think more clearly and feel lively, as will areas of pale green and sky blue.
It is fine to have a few objects in your office that do not hold a specific use relating to work, but they should blend favorably with the environment and not be distracting. Look at the objects you keep in your office and ask yourself whether they add to the environment in a positive way, or are a hindrance. Keeping a photograph of your spouse and children on your desk may comfort you and help you work harder, but having many amusing toys could slow you down and clutter your desk.

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